Best mode of consume CBD

These drugs are taken under different situations and for different reasons; they are commonly taken to control stress, fatigue, anxiety, etc shop West Coast Botanics . Due to World Health Organization consuming CBD has been highly affected, thus people have come up with different solutions to solve the problem.

These solutions have their strengths and weaknesses, best mode of consuming and at what time to take them.  

In this article, methods of taking CBD are well explained: 

Smoking CBD 

 It is inhalation of a by-product of CBD combustion through respiratory tract to the lungs and into the blood system. Smoking is done by the use of a rig that resembles a cylindrical pipe. The CBD is put into the pipe and burnt on one side then the smoker smokes from the other side. 

Strengths of smoking 

It is the fastest mode  to consume CBD. 

It reduces the rate of individual’s obesity. 

Smoker enjoys because the concentration produced is the highest. 

Weaknesses of smoking 

It can lead to diseases like throat and lung cancer. 

It pollutes environment. 

It may not suit those who take small quantities. 

It may require tools like matchbox and joint paper. 

Vaping CBD 

It is an alternative means of smoking. It is commonly done by use of a vaporizer pen. It is applicable for people who want to smoke the same concentration as smoking but don’t want to show or make his/her environment harsh. 

Strengths of vaping 

Your dosage can be regulated. 

There is less environmental effects because less smoke is released into the atmosphere. 

User can take any concentration he/she wishes to take. 

Weaknesses of vaping 

One might smoke more than it is required thus affecting his/her health. 

It also requires tools like vape pen and its accessories. 

Excess vaping may lead to diseases like headaches, sore throat, chest pains, etc. 

Creams application 

It is application of CBD products such as cream on your skin inform of massage and spread it to all parts of the body. It is best for people who don’t like inhalation of CBD.  

Strengths of creams application 

So easy to use 

No special equipment is required. 

It is best for people with muscle issues and skin problems. 

Weaknesses of cream application 

One might apply more than it is recommended. 

The effects last for short time. 


These are CBDs are getting so popular because they can be consumed as food or beverages. 

Strengths of edibles 

It has variety of option because it can be mixed with food or drink. 

It is too discreet. 

Weaknesses of edibles 

It has short-term effects. 

It is quite difficult to know the required doss. 

Sublingual consumption 

These are CBD tinctures that are bought and are commonly placed in the mouth for a while before they are swallowed. 

Strengths of sublingual type of consumption 

It requires no equipment to do it. 

 Controlling and managing your dosage is easy. 

Effects are long-lasting. 

Weakness of sublingual type of consumption 

It has different impacts to everybody. 

Some might not be able to tolerate its taste. 

In conclusion, while starting to take CBD ensure you do research on which type of admission you should use. This will help you to enjoy and consume CBD smoothly.